Yes On 16 – Taxpayers Right to Vote

The client requested a logo that would be the main graphic for the website. The vision was for it to animate and represent California voting. When animated, the ballot with the state of California slides in and out of the box. Jump to the web section to view an animated banner.


A project of the Dalai Lama Foundation, the name Upaya is derived from a root that refers to a means that goes or brings one up to some goal, often the goal of Enlightenment. The organization’s mission is to provide quality and affordable healthcare to urban low-income groups in India. The logo requirements included that it be in English and Sanskrit, show a family group, as well as appeal to a primarily Indian audience. Click here to view sketches from the logo development process.

SF Jewish Bookfest

BookFest is the JCCSF’s annual celebration of Jewish books and authors. Currently in its seventh year, the logo designed in 2006 is still in use today. BookFest has long been a magnet for important Jewish authors on the book-tour circuit, and continues to draw a large audience every year.

VARIOUS LOGOS Upaya logo process sketches Upaya logo process sketches Upaya logo process sketches